Violet’s Kismet, tells the suspenseful tale of a quirky teenage girl, being raised by her Grandmamma, since her parent’s mysterious disappearance at the age of nine; who secretly discovers over time that she possesses supernatural powers. Violet embarks on a heartfelt journey as she begins her sophomore year at Albany High, with her three best friends and newly found lover faithfully at her side. Violet runs along the Hudson River to practice for the track team every morning, and discovers there that she has visions, as she witnesses a murder that took place months ago. She confides in her Uncle Frank, a Police officer of Troy that she had a vision of the unsolved murder, and takes him to the scene of the crime, where he gathers evidence. Violet experiences many ‘strange’ unexplained supernatural occurrences, and when she discovers through her mother’s journal that she is not the only one, she seeks her grandfather, her mother’s father for answers. Violet’s boyfriend drives her out to the country to meet him for the first time. Here she will find the answers that she is looking for, and also face a powerful evil that has been stalking and threatening her family for decades.
What happens when five very feisty bunnies and their mom hop around the flowering meadow, eating clover and discussing the world? A time of great fun! What happens when one of them gets distracted and none of them see a hungry fox? To find that out you will have to read this endearing children’s tale for yourself. See how bunny moms treat their children, and see how those children learn about everything. It’s both fun and inspirational!
Spiritual and love poetry.
Heart-Pieces Songbook is a collection of poetry that sings from the very depths of soul. From spiritual litanies to happy cries of joy from the heart to sorrowful songs of suffering, this book is the culmination of a two year effort to capture the dynamic feelings from a woman’s heart. Each and every poem is a song that fits together with the others in a mosaic of symphonic luster, the song of living as a beautiful young woman in America. Come read and feel the full range of emotion.
Heartwarming haiku is a book of haiku and senryu poems accentuating the luscious beauty of love and nature in American haiku and senryu. Learn how to write haiku and senryu as well, step by step instructions on learning how to write American Haiku with fun writing exercises.
Within you will find fresh and inspiring spiritual bliss. This book is superb for simple and leisurely reading. Delve into daily inspirational quotes and phrases to lift your day to day thoughts, to places of hope and healing, by randomly flipping through a page. The inspiring spiritual oneness of brevity on each page will tap into your heart and open your mind to innovative possibilities through the merciful grace of God's pure and endless beauty.
Waking Spirit Dreams is a book about the awakening of the spirit within and the illumination that comes from reconnecting with the forces of creation. Poetry helped me to realize that we can be healed through cleansing our karma. By letting out my deep and innermost feeling through poetry I was able to sort thorough my problems and awaken my Spirit's Dreams. I've learned to let go of the unforgiveness that ailed my heart. I've healed my mind, soul and body living through loves qualities. I've forgiven myself for everything I've ever held against myself, as it is our God given right to be forgiven for everything, no matter what we've done. When I let go of the past and began to live in the moment a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder and I felt ten pounds lighter! By being humble I was able to open my heart through the golden flame of God's love. I am thankful for poetry as it has opened many doors for me. I hope you enjoy!
What does the inside of a beautiful soul look like? A bright spring day full of new green growth? A Baby’s smile? An angel’s song? A troubadour’s tale? Sweet poetry of nature? Open a copy of Waking Spirit Dreams 2 and find out. Read a slice of poetry that touches the divine. It’s good for you.
Alison Breskin, a true beauty, is a writer, sandwich maker, poet, publisher and nurse. She has been writing poetry for many years and has published many poetry books, mostly haikus and love poems. This book, Birdsongs of Poetry, is a collection of more serious and dramatic works as well as some social satire. Walk with her as she searches the mysteries of soul and contemplates the drama of existence. Smile, frown and laugh as she reads you Birdsongs of Poetry.
Somewhere in the heart of New Jersey, like a beam of light through a dense canopy, shines Alison Breskin: Spiritualist, Poet, Artist, and Nurse. She is an accomplished author with several poetry books, and one spiritual self-help book to her credit. This particular collection of poetry, Birdsongs of Poetry 2, is like a gift of butterflies released from her soul to relax, soothe and entertain us with their beautiful exotic dances across the backyard. So, sit deep, sip your favorite beverage and enjoy the butterflies as they gently swarm around you, transporting you to a place of peace, serenity and relaxation.